Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Paramedics have great stories

Hanging out with paramedics is always fun, because they all seem to never run out of great stories. From scrotal lacerations to decapitations, they’ve seen it all. Here's another story I picked up when I shadowed paramedics.

There was a patient who had a cardiac arrest during intercourse. The paramedics picked him up, and revived him on the way to the hospital. When the doctor phoned his wife to tell her that her husband was going to be OK, she said, “What? My husband’s in the hospital?”

Think about it... then you'll get it.


Anonymous said...

It took me a minute, but that's hilarious. What an awkward situation...

ERnursey said...

Having had a similar situation recently I got that right away. Pretty funny!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious. Love it. Well, the humor at least.

Pseudo_Doctor said...

that is just too funny